Page 48 - HBT- Brochure
P. 48

Customers submit their                           Customers receive                                       Customers agree to                                               Customers agree to confirm                                Customers and the group                                 Customers accept the
        information through                              consultation and share                                   proceed with the activities                                     the implementation of ser-                               participate enjoy the                                   contract and receive
        email or hotline                                 their desires and ideas                                 and move forward with                                            vices according to HBG's                                 quality of HoaBinhTourist                               customer care from
                                                         with the sales represen-                                signing the contract.                                            quotation.                                               tour                                                    HoaBinh Group to enjoy

                                                         tative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    special offers

                    1                                                 2                                                     3                                                                   4                                                        5                                                       6

        Sales receive the                                Sales will consult directly                             Sales coordinates with the                                      Sales will connect with the                                The tour operations team                                 Sales contacts and final-
        information and prepare                          or through electronic                                   accounting department                                           Tour Operations team to                                    will manage risks and                                    ized the contract.The

        a preliminary quotation                          communication methods                                   and proceed the imple-                                          implement the activities.                                  ensure that everything                                   customer care depart-
                                                         with customers                                          mentation of signing the                                                                                                   goes smoothly through-                                   ment contacts custom-
                                                         Sales adjust the quota-                                 deposit contract according                                                                                                 out the trip.                                            ers to offer special bene-

                                                         tion to fit the customer's                               to the company's financial                                                                                                                                                           fits.
                                                         goals.                                                  regulations.

        48                                                                 Hotline: +84 913311911                                                                                                                 Hotline: +84 913311911                               49
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